Forest kindergarten and forest nursery

 Art. 1. General provisions.

 1.1.  The Kulturka u table workshop is a care and educational facility.  Children stay outdoors for the entire duration of the contract.  The weather conditions that make it impossible are an exception.

 1.2.  Classes conducted by Warsztatownia Kulturka u table are intended for children aged 3 to 13.  In exceptional circumstances, it is possible to take care of a younger or older child.

 Art. 2. Care and education.

 2.1.  In order to provide care for children, the Workshop Kulturka u table (hereinafter also referred to as the facility) employs qualified staff, ensuring proper care and supporting development child.

 2.2.  Classes organized by the Kulturka u table workshop are adapted to the age of children and their level of development, combine play and learning, and support the individual predispositions of the child.

 Art. 3. Time of opening the facility.

 3.1.  The Kulturka u table workshop is open from 09:30 to 13:00 with a 1,5-hour lunch break from 14:30 to 17:00, during which the child is under the care of a parents.

3.2. Additional payments will be required for pick ups later than 17.00

 Art. 4. The dimension of childcare.

 4.1.  The Kulturka u table workshop will take care of children in the following system:

  • 3 days of the festival (1, 2 and 3 July 2022)

 4.2.  Children should be prepared according to the previously sent guidelines (equipped with spare clothes, equipped with bands with the parents’ phone numbers,

 4.3.  The kindergarten accepts only DRAINED children.  We also recommend enrolling children who have already experienced pre-school / nursery adaptation, and this will not be the first time they stay under the care of new people in a new group of children.

 4.4.  The facility undertakes to provide care that is consistent and represents the values ​​promoted by MAMA GLOBAL HEALING, i.e.

 > non-violent communication (NVC)

 > close staff approach

 > education without grades, punishments and rewards

 > deep respect for nature

 > awakening environmental awareness

 > raising awareness of healthy living, including eating

 > We place the main emphasis on the relationships and emotional comfort of children staying under our care and the full use of time and opportunities offered by a natural adventure in the surrounding nature

 Art. 5. Fees.

 5.1 The care provided by the Kulturka workshop at the table is payable.  Only full time format packages are available for pre-sale.

 5.2.  Payments are made through the shop on the website After purchasing the care package, the customer receives an order confirmation, and then is directed to direct contact with the company providing care to provide data about the child.

 5.3.  The fee is non-refundable in the absence of the child.

 5.4.  According to the information on and in the media channels of the MAMA GLOBAL HEALING service provider, the following price thresholds are available

 super early 230 PLN

 pre-sale PLN 255

 regular PLN 266

 5.4 On-site fees:

5.4.1.  Care after 5 p.m. / each hour, the payment is charged after 15 minutes of being late, i.e. from 5.15 pm / 30 PLN

 5.4.2.  The organizer of the facility does not guarantee the availability of places for sale on the spot, and their possible number depends on the number of full-format packages purchased in advance.

 Art. 6. Food.

 6.1.  The facility provides a fruit / healthy snack and water.

 6.2.  Children can have water bottles / breakfast boxes with their own snacks.  All items must be labeled with the parent’s phone number and the child’s first and last name

 Art. 7. Healthcare.

 7.1.  Sick children should not be brought to the facility due to the possibility of infecting other children.

 7.2.  In the event of noticing a child’s indisposition (e.g. fever, persistent diarrhea or vomiting, strong cough or runny nose, sneezing), the staff will immediately inform the Parents / Guardians who should pick up the child from the facility.

 7.3.  The child will not be given any medications in the facility.

 7.4.  Parents are obliged to inform Workshop Kulturka at the table about any diseases and problems or health requirements of the child, both permanent and chronic, as well as temporary.  Warsztatownia Kulturka u tableka shall not be held liable for any inconvenience caused by failure to provide the required information.

 Art. 8. Contact with parents.

 8.1.  The Kulturka u table workshop will contact the parents by phone.  8.2.  The parent can come to the child at any time, however, the children will stay in the designated area and walk in the nearby forest.

 Art. 9. Additional provisions.

 9.1.  Parents / Guardians should provide the child with co